The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 - Section 13 (1) Dissolution of Marriage - Cruelty - Appellant had duly pleaded instances of mental cruelty which he proved in evidence and documents - In divorce petition various allegations of cruelty were made out and a number of incidents were mentioned therein - Further evidence was submitted during the course of the Trial to substantiate these allegations - Trial Court examined the evidence at great length and came to the reasoned conclusion that the actions of the Respondent amounted to cruelty - If a spouse abuses the other as being born from a prostitute, this cannot be termed as "wear and tear" of family life - Summoning the police on false or flimsy grounds cannot also be similarly viewed - Making it impossible for any close relatives to visit or reside in the matrimonial home would also indubitably result in cruelty to the other spouse - High Court held to be not justified to set aside the conclusions arrived at by the Trial Court without giving substantiated reasons and the same liable to be set aside - Trial Court's decision granting dissolution of the marriage between the parties restored.
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