Alaulianchal Boat Traffic Co-Operative Society Vs. State of Bihar
Head Note
Constitution of India, 1950 - Article 14 , Article 226
Auction - Estoppel - Settlement of Ghats - Mandamus - Appellant has not earlier challenged the auction notice dated 16.10.2023 - On the day of auction dated 27.10.2008, the appellant-society was present and when its opinion was obtained on the highest Dak, the appellant-society accepted the settlement of ghat for Rs.16,00,000/- - It was not open to the appellantsociety to challenge the auction notice and to seek writ of mandamus to direct the respondents to act as per the decision of the District Level Reserve Jama Committee - Circle Officer accepted the recommendation of the District Level Committee and gone through the open evaluation process which is mandatory for settlement of ghats for every third year after the evaluation of open bid process - Division Bench rightly observed that every year the amount of bid has gone up and therefore, the Court has no jurisdiction to go into such disputed questions of fact with regard to bid amount - Do not find any reason warranting interference with the impugned order.
Topic(s)-Auction - Estoppel applicable