Process to be served at expense of party issuing
(1) Every process issued under this Code shall be served at the expense of the party on whose behalf it is issued, unless the Court otherwise directs.
(2) Costs of service-The court-fee chargeable for such service shall be paid within a time to be fixed before the process is issued.
Allahabad.-In Order XLVIII, in rule I, in sub-rule (1), before the words "Every process issued" prefix the words "Except as provided in Order IV, rule 1(2)".
[Vide Notification No. 4084/35(a)-3(7), dated 24th July, 1926.]
Bombay.-In Order XLVIII, in rule 1, for sub-rule (2), substitute the following sub-rule, namely:-
"(2) Cost of service.-The Court-fee chargeable for service of the process of the Court shall, except as provided for in sub-rule (2) of rule 1 of Order IV, be paid when the process is applied for, or within such time as may be fixed by the Court." (w.e.f. 1-10-2023)
Calcutta.-In Order, XLVIII, in rule 1, for sub-rule (2), substitute the following sub-rule, namely:-
"(2) The Court-fee chargeable for such service shall be paid when the process is applied for, or within such time, if any, as the Court may, when ordering its issue fix for the purpose."
[Vide Notification No. 1154-G, dated 17th January, 1934.]
Gauhati.-Same as in Calcutta.^
Gujarat.-Same as in Bombay .substituting the words "other than the summons to the defendants, shall" for the words "shall, except as provided for in sub-rule (2) of rule 1 of Order IV".
Madhya Pradesh.-In Order XLIIL in rule 1, in sub-rule (2), for the words "The Court-fee", substitute the words "Except as provided in Order IV rule 1(2) the Court-fee".
[Vide Notification No. 3409, dated 29th June, 1943.]